Why your brain sometimes sees danger that might not really be there

Imagine you’re walking through a dark alley at night. Suddenly, you see something move. Your heart starts racing… but it turns out to be just a plastic bag in the wind. You breathe a sigh of relief.This ‘overestimation of danger’ happens more quickly when we’re scared, or when we’re alert. Perhaps because you’re walking through a shady part…

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relationship therapy in amsterdam for expats

Relationship therapy in Amsterdam for expats

Living and working in another country is an adventure not everybody gets to experience. It’s amazing to take a deep-dive into another culture, observing the subtle and not so subtle differences between your home country and your new home country. It has a way of enriching both worlds. It can also be challenging, for all…

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polyamorie non-monogamie relatietherapeut amsterdam

Polyamory / ethical non-monogamy

It’s quite likely that if you’re currently in an ethical non-monogamous relationship, or if you are considering being in one, you’ve been through quite a journey already. With very few exceptions, most of us are brought up with the narrative that romantic love should be between two people, and only between two people. Anything else…

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